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BuddIE Program

At IISE we believe in giving our members the best chance to succeed!
That is why we are introducing the mentorship program.
Click here to sign up!


Our mission with the BuddIE Program is to help students support each other. We want our members to have someone they can go to for career advice, suggestions on classes, and be a support system for one another. We want to give our upperclassmen the opportunity to share their skills, experiences, and knowledge with underclassmen in hopes of bettering their chances of obtaining internships and co-ops.


A big part of our program will entail weekly challenges. We will either host an event where mentor and mentee pairs are encouraged to attend together or we will give pairs an event/task to accomplish each week. Such events may include studying together, have lunch, or attending events together! At the end of the semester the pair that accumulates the most points will get recognized and receive a reward.


We highly encourage that BuddIE's have weekly contact. This can be communication through a simple text to see how each others week is going, an email asking for advice, or discussing post-graduation plans over a cup of coffee.


Important dates are included below! Try to schedule some with your mentee/mentor!

Time is TBD
Events vary!
​If you have any questions about the mentorship program please contact:
Lucia Tato, President
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